Magasinet Cultural Centre
Magasinet was built in 1898 as a storage hall for the railroad. Today it is a centre for cultural events where it operates as an office, film and photo studio and as a venue for exhibitions and concerts
Sweco’s architects designed the new extension to the existing storage hall. The new extension is a modern design, which is in line with the multifaceted cultural activities that are conducted within the space. Inside, the rooms are filled with light from the skylights, and the walls consist of white painted wood panelling with ground concrete flooring.
The Architect wanted to use natural timber linings on the walls and ceilings, the issue was achieving a clean finish that could cope with the amount of natural light coming into the space from the skylights above and offer a Group 1 equivalent fire rating. The exposed steel members needed a smooth finish with a dark topcoat.
Fireshield Timberwhite + approved topcoat system was installed to achieve a Group 1 equivalent fire rating to the timber panelling on the walls and ceilings. The clean finish of TimberWhite was critical, given the amount of natural light flooding the space from the skylights above.
Fireshield ArchitecturalWhite4FR + approved topcoat has been used on all the visible black steel columns and beams. ArchitecturalWhite’s fibre free finish contributed to the clean lines of the steel members, especially with such a dark topcoat being chosen.